Try Signiant Technology

See how we compare with FileCatalyst

See for yourself why thousands of companies trust Signiant to transfer their most valuable digital assets:

  • Our patented acceleration technology offers speeds up to 100 times faster than standard internet transfers such as FTP.

  • All our products are built with the user in mind. Our Media Shuttle product is easy to deploy, easy to manage and simple to use. You can be up and running in a day.

  • We take precaution to secure every layer involved in file movement. Our security technology and implementation regularly undergo extensive third-party reviews to ensure effective protection.


Don’t take our word for it – see for yourself why Signiant Media Shuttle wins out over FileCatalyst Spaces.

A product expert will follow up shortly after for a more detailed demo and to answer questions about any of our products.

Janson Media logo

Janson Media

Jesse Janson, Executive Vice President for Acquisitions and Development

“Media Shuttle immediately helped. It kept our workflow and delivery process smooth and reliable, and enabled us to re-focus on growing our business.”

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