Flight Deck Flight Deck

Advanced system-to-system automation for complex networks and workflows
A Flight Deck dashboard and the jobs tab with a report.

Flight Deck unites the feature-rich functionality of Manager+Agents and the powerful cloud I/O capabilities of Signiant Flight — which together form the core transport backbone for most of the world’s largest media companies. Flight Deck’s cloud-connected features, including visibility from the same Signiant console used by Media Shuttle and Jet, bring the gold standard in advanced automated file movement into the SaaS era.


Manager+Agents customers, it’s time to upgrade to Flight Deck.

Learn Why

Why You Need Flight Deck

An orange dotted line rectangle with a smaller orange rectangle inside it in the lower left corner.

Flexibility & Scalability

Flight Deck allows content exchange with other systems, users and applications. Scalable architecture supports global operations of any size, regardless of geographic location.

Fast Truck Icon

Speed & Reliability

Flight Deck delivers reliable, secure file movement (up to 100X faster than FTP and TCP with 95+% network efficiency). Checkpoint Restart ensures that any interrupted transfers are automatically restarted from the point of failure.

Orange automation icon

Control & Visibility

The Manager administration console offers visibility into file movement, plus control of configuration, task automation, scheduling, and reporting. Powerful resource controls let you manage job concurrency and bandwidth usage.

An orange and white shield.

Enterprise-Class Security

File transfers are secured with up to 256-bit AES encryption. The built-in certificate authority maintains security certificates and establishes communication between the Manager and Agents. User authentication and authorization can be managed using an Active Directory or LDAP.

3 orange circles with lines between them, signifying workflow.

Workflow Automation

Flight Deck’s built-in job templates allow for easy automation of transfer, processing, and maintenance tasks. With Flight Deck’s Automation Engine, you can also create flexible job templates that connect steps to form custom workflows.

An orange electric plug icon.

API Integration

The Manager native REST API lets you automate file transfer jobs, manage users, and control storage settings for your transfer environments by sending API calls to your Manager.

Key Components

Centralized Manager

Centralized Manager

In Flight Deck, just like in Manager+Agents before, the Manager software controls system activity and orchestrates all file transfers between Signiant Agents. The Manager serves as a hub capable of coordinating globe-crossing content transfer between thousands of distributed endpoints.

A graphic showing a central control point.

Distributed Agents

Distributed Agents

Signiant Agents execute tasks defined by the Manager, including accelerated file movement and interoperability with third-party software and systems. Agents can be deployed as a single node or in a load-balanced group. Agents can also act as relays to connect public and private networks.

A graphic showing distributed endpoints.

Cloud Connection

Cloud Connection

The Manager’s connection to the cloud-native control plane of Signiant’s SDCX platform provides robust SaaS features, such as Manager backup to cloud storage and enhanced visibility into job history data and software usage, plus an integrated environment for Signiant administration.

A graphic showing cloud connection.

Intuitive Interfaces

Intuitive Interfaces

Flight Deck features can be accessed via two web interfaces. The Manager interface offers visibility into file movement, plus granular control of configuration, task automation, scheduling, and reporting. Flight Deck SaaS capabilities are available through the Signiant Console, the single cross-product web interface for all Signiant SaaS solutions.

Screenshots showing the Flight Deck interactive interface.

Cloud I/O

Cloud I/O

As its name implies, Flight Deck includes Signiant Flight (previously a stand-alone product often used in conjunction with Manager+Agents). The Flight service provides secure, accelerated movement of large data sets to and from the cloud. Flight offers unattended cloud transfers and enables workflows that encompass multiple storage types and locations. Flight works with all three of the major public cloud platforms (Amazon, Azure, Google).

A graphic showing cloud storage access.


Rest API

Use the Manager native REST API to automate file transfer jobs, manage users, and control storage settings for your transfer environments. API integrations allow you to initiate jobs from Signiant Media Shuttle, MAM/DAM systems or custom control management systems.

A screenshot of code from the rest api.

How Companies Use Flight Deck

Content Exchange

Flight Deck connects internal locations and external partners to quickly deliver large files and data sets automatically within your organizational ecosystem and global media supply chain. Flight Deck’s automated workflows help you move content easily from system to system, and can be extended to support person-initiated transfers.

Orange share icon

Content Distribution

The one-to-many workflow of content distribution has long been an essential part of the media business. Common distribution scenarios that using Flight Deck include delivering first-run television content to multiple global playout centers, distributing Digital Cinema Packages (DCPs) to cinemas, sending VOD content to cable system operators, sending source content for localization, and delivering packaged assets from a media services provider to online platforms.

3 orange arrows pointing to one circle in the middle

Content Aggregation

These many-to-one use cases collect content from disparate sources to a central location for processing, packaging, and subsequent distribution to internal facilities and external partners. Common aggregation workflows include collecting commissioned programs from many global producers, ingesting ads from and agencies and production companies, and gathering new content from global bureaus.

Orange video folder icon

Creative Workflows

Post-production studios use Flight Deck capabilities to receive content, edit and produce it, and then move it to studios, broadcasters, cable networks, or other distributors quickly and securely. By enabling the secure exchange of content, post-production facilities can improve client services with media, broadcast and playout companies.

Orange football icon

Sports and News

Leading sports and news organizations around the globe use Manager and Agent systems to accelerate time-critical content exchange, including ingest from news and field events, stadiums and arenas. Growing file capabilities allow remote editors to pull clips from a growing file and begin work while content is still being written to the destination.

2 overlapping orange circles.

Applications Outside M&E

Many data-intensive industries outside the media and entertainment space depend on the secure and timely delivery of extremely large data sets. Flight Deck can be used to transfer all kinds of big data, including high-res satellite images, clinical trial data, genome sequences, code bases, architectural drawings and product design files.

Get Pricing

Flight Deck is available as an annual subscription which includes the use of on-premises Manager, Agent and Flight software, plus all software updates. Signiant takes care of all Flight Deck SaaS components. The base package includes a Manager, multiple Agents, and a generous cloud transfer allowance. Additional Managers, Agents, Peered Agents and cloud payload are easily added as your file movement needs change.

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