Signiant and Sustainability

At Signiant, we understand the urgency of addressing environmental concerns and are dedicated to reducing our own environmental footprint while enabling our customers to advance their sustainability objectives. As a leading SaaS company, our contribution to a sustainable future is multi-faceted. We develop cutting-edge SaaS products tailored to enhance the operational efficiency for thousands of media companies worldwide. In doing so, we foster sustainability in a multitude of ways:


  1. Reducing Physical Media Usage and Transport: Signiant software led the way in the transition from tape to file-based workflows using. Our software greatly reduces the transport of physical media.
  2. Minimizing Travel: Signiant’s Media Shuttle product is the de facto industry standard for remote work, minimizing the need for media professionals to commute and travel onsite. Our platform significantly reduced on-site staffing requirements at recent major events like the Olympic Games, World Cup, Super Bowl, and many others.
  3. Storage Choice: We promote responsible resource management by empowering our customers with the choice of storage solutions that align with their business needs while minimizing waste.
  4. Reducing Storage Footprint: Our platform helps identify duplicate content, thereby reducing the overall storage demands and resource consumption. Our patent-pending on-demand play capability enables previewing files without the overhead of creating and storing proxies.
  5. Efficient File Transfers: As the leader in accelerated file transfers, we also offer numerous capabilities that reduce unnecessary transfers, such as:
    • Pre-transfer file validation with CloudSpeX.
    • Automatic checkpoint restarts which eliminate re-sending the entire file when a transfer is interrupted.
    • Intelligent hot folder jobs and file filtering to ensure only necessary files are delivered.
    • The ability to mark in and out points on large files allowing end-users to download only the selected part of a media asset they need.
    • Previewing media and inspecting metadata allowing end-users to confirm the correct assets are chosen before they are moved.
    • Other advanced capabilities such as working with IMF packages enabling users to easily view and access just the pieces of a media package they require.

Our Collaborative Efforts

We take pride in partnering with the leaders in the public cloud who share a commitment to sustainability including Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform. As pioneers in cloud I/O for media, we assist our customers in harnessing storage options offered by hyperscale cloud providers that are dedicated to the well-being of our planet.

Thanks to our partnership with leading technology providers and our work to create massive efficiencies across the global media supply chain, Signiant and its customer and partner ecosystem are collectively working towards a more sustainable future.