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  • Send large files securely across distances or to and from the cloud

    Send Large Files: A Guide for Media & Entertainment Professionals 

    What is a “large” digital file? Defining what a large file is certainly has not remained static. What was an unwieldy large file five years ago might be considered small today.
    Read Send Large Files: A Guide for Media & Entertainment Professionals 
  • Depicts file size limits and overflowing large file types within a folder

    Navigating File Size Limits in the Media & Entertainment Industry 

    Unlock media industry success with strategies to conquer file size limits and streamline content workflows efficiently.
    Read Navigating File Size Limits in the Media & Entertainment Industry 
  • Enhancing Live Sports Production

    As production teams look to do more with fewer people on site, traditional file transfer methods present significant challenges causing broadcasters to find alternatives.
    Read Enhancing Live Sports Production
  • Cartoon Laptop with Media Shuttle on the screen on a desk with blue background

    7 Must-Haves for Remote Work in M&E

    One of the challenges faced in the M&E business is that it’s not that easy to just “take your work home with you.” This guide shares seven important considerations to keep in mind while implementing a remote working strategy that supports a distributed media workforce.
    Read 7 Must-Haves for Remote Work in M&E
  • The milky way.

    Get More Out of Your Network

    On the surface, it may seem that moving large files from one location to another is relatively simple and that a faster pipe is all you need, but it turns out there’s much more to it. Learn why a bigger pipe doesn’t lead to faster file transfers and how to get the most out of your network.
    Read Get More Out of Your Network
  • Yellow strings of lights shining toward bright center

    Is 8K More Supply or Demand?

    8K has a lot to offer, and 2020 will likely add uses to the conversation. As it stands, 8K’s efficacy is heavily intertwined with the nature of individual projects and the requirements of the deliverables in question, and understanding the key strengths and current limitations of the format will be essential to its efficient and cost-effective implementation.
    Read Is 8K More Supply or Demand?
  • A painting of an old fashioned computer and a life size sculpture of a man on the desk next to it.

    Why Many Studios and Broadcasters are Banning FTP From Their Supply Chain

    For decades, FTP (File Transfer Protocol) has been used in the Media & Entertainment (M&E) industry to move files between servers and for distributing them around the world. And for just as long, cybersecurity experts have been warning of its potential threat to network security, intellectual property and privacy. Nevertheless, FTP has persisted.
    Read Why Many Studios and Broadcasters are Banning FTP From Their Supply Chain
  • 4 screens overlapping: a line graph, folders in Media Shuttle, a color scheme selector, and a Media Shuttle dashboard.

    Media Shuttle – Product White Paper

    The most comprehensive asset on Media Shuttle to date, this product white paper covers how cloud technology has enabled a new generation of large file movement solutions, explaining Signiant’s core technology, Media Shuttle’s system architecture, TCO, pricing model, enterprise features, as well as the Web Transfer API and how to use Shuttle with cloud storage.
    Read Media Shuttle – Product White Paper
  • Big Files, Big Challenges

    Why WeTransfer, FTP and shipping hard drives are no longer viable for media and what you can do about it.
    Read Big Files, Big Challenges
  • The silhoutte of a street sign at dusk.

    Large File Transfer Software: Buyer’s Guide

    If you’re looking to purchase large file transfer software for your business, it’s important to understand the market drivers that have created the need, the available options for moving media files, and some key requirements to look for.
    Read Large File Transfer Software: Buyer’s Guide
  • ""

    Nine Pitfalls of Relying on FTP to Move Large Media Files

    FTP was developed in 1971, and a lot has changed in the decades since it was first created. Though the protocol has seen improvement over the years, there are some fundamental drawbacks to relying on this old technology for transferring today’s large media files.
    Read Nine Pitfalls of Relying on FTP to Move Large Media Files
  • A beautiful twilight sky with reds, oranges, purples and blues.

    The Latest Trend in Cloud Ingest Portals

    While there are plenty of tools for getting data into the cloud, professional media requirements are particular and early cloud adopters spent millions building highly customized ingest applications. Today, that trend is shifting in favor of off-the-shelf SaaS solutions.
    Read The Latest Trend in Cloud Ingest Portals