post production

Filmmaking is a lot more complicated than you might think. Careful designing and planning happens during pre-production. The film is visualized through story-boarding, the crew is hired, and every one does early preparation. During production, the video is created and shot. For television shows and film, multiple people—from the director to the grips—spend several hours preparing the shoots.  After production ends, the crew might throw a warp party, but the project is far from over.

Post production frequently takes even longer than the production phase. Multiple people are involved in the video editing alone. On top of video editing, there is work on the soundtrack, sound design, and sound effects. Visual special effects have to be added, and we really like special effects in contemporary film. Additionally, there is usually some type of color correction that happens.

The video editing workflow process is complicated, very time consuming, and involves several people. Luckily, the digital revolution has made post production automation easier and faster. During post production, Signiant helps move data files for post production and visual effects studios so everyone can work on their part of the project. The faster everyone can transfer the files, the faster the work can get done.

OMNIMAGO, a provider of production and post production services, recently started using Media Shuttle. Technical Manager of OMNIMAGO said that Media Shuttle allowed them to move their large files more than 20 times faster than before and with the flexibility and reliability they need. Signiant software has been involved in several post-production projects at Envy Post Production, NFL Films, and Deluxe Digital Studios. Multiple post houses told us they’ve replaced physical couriers with Media Shuttle to deliver digital media in London and around the world, saving money and time.

Check out the following articles to read more about post production automation and Signiant software.