
Enterprise file transfer for everyone

By Barrett Coakley

Traditionally, enterprise-grade large file transfer software was necessarily complex. In order to achieve efficient file movement, enterprises managed an expanse of IT infrastructure and the software designed to work with it. But it was worth it. For industries like Media & Entertainment — that make their living off very large media content files — sending data of any amount, anywhere within their network, with reliable security and central management, was and is a vital business function.

However, it’s a different world for smaller businesses that can’t afford multiple data centers, even if they have the same need to transfer large files quickly; and it’s meant less efficiency, fewer accounts, and slower business growth. But, the era of cloud computing has been game changing for small and mid-sized companies. Cloud-based software allows for shared, vendor managed infrastructures that have drastically lowered prices by working like any other utility service: you only pay for what you use, it’s easy to use more or less if circumstances require it, and upgrades are automatic. Additionally, without the need to design for multiple customer IT infrastructures, cloud-based software developers can take their core technology made for enterprise and enter a world of rapid innovation and elegant, customizable user interfaces.

Today, every production, post-production, and small media team can and should have an enterprise quality file transfer solution. And not just because the cloud is making it possible to have one, there are several trends that are pushing an even greater need for large file transfer solutions.

Current trends that are pushing the need for large (and fast) file transfer software 

  • Technological advances – Periodic and regular advances in video imaging technology have steadily increased file sizes since the dawn of the film industry. Just as files became bigger when the industry went from silent movies to talkies or from black and white to color, new technologies continue to expand file sizes. 3D and 4K productions are becoming commonplace and frame rates for movies are increasing. The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug, for example, was filmed at 48 fps rather than the industry standard of 24 fps. Even if many cinematographers are not jumping in with Peter Jackson on the 3D/48 fps fad, being able to send and receive files, no matter how big they are, will determine how many pools your company can swim in.
  • Tightening Deadlines – The technical side of film and media production has always been deadline driven, and turn-around times are continuing to shorten. Perhaps this is because we are doing so much more with film footage — from transcoding and translation to special effects and post-production product placement — while consumption of movies, videos, and television has only increased. Plus, content producers routinely sign syndication deals mandating strict delivery deadlines. Popular online file sharing software is fine for most office documents and smaller files, and older technology like FTP is sufficient for less business critical content, but moving large files requires an enterprise-grade transfer solution to ensure they arrive on time.
  • Globalizing Media Industry – Today, a single video can be touched by numerous film specialists around the world. It really doesn’t matter where you live anymore; as long as it’s in a country with unrestricted access to the Internet, you can take part in the global media production industry. Many of our customers are small to mid-sized post-production houses located in various corners of Latin American, Indonesia, and all throughout Europe and the U.S. With the right software, they are able to work on award-winning international films and grow their business in ways that were not possible before.

If you are a small to mid-size media company, check out Media Shuttle and find out how thousands of production, post-production and other data-intensive media firms are finding the file freedom necessary to compete in today’s global business.

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