
Manager+Agents Use Cases Part 1: Content Distribution

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The Manager+Agents system is highly configurable and can be used for virtually any task that involves the automated movement of large data sets. From a big-picture perspective, however, use cases within the Media & Entertainment sector generally fall within several high-level categories.

This blog is the first in a series covering the most common types of M+A use cases, including: content distribution; content contribution, aggregation and ingest; creative workflows; cloud workflows; sports and applications outside of Media & Entertainment. It’s important to note that all of these examples involve business-to-business media workflows; Signiant technology is not typically involved in delivery of content directly to the consumer.

Content Distribution

Throughout the global media supply chain, Manager+Agents software plays a key role in the B-to-B distribution of content – both within and between enterprises. There are many situations where there is a mission-critical need for content to flow from a single source location where it is created or packaged to various endpoints around the world.

The basic one-to-many workflow of content distribution has long been an essential part of the media business. Prior to the advent of file-based workflows, millions of videotapes and film reels were shipped around the world every day. While there are still situations where it’s practical to ship disk drives or data tapes, B-to-B distribution is now largely accomplished via terrestrial delivery over IP networks.

In parallel with this transition, the scale and complexity of global media supply chains has grown dramatically with the increasingly diverse ways that video content is delivered to consumers. With its highly scalable architecture, the Manager+Agents solution can readily accommodate these growing and changing content delivery ecosystems.

These are some of the most common distribution workflows that employ M+A to provide acceleration, security and central control.

Common Distribution Workflows:

  • Deliver first-run television content to multiple global playout centers;
  • Transfer Digital Cinema Packages (DCPs) to cinemas for theatrical release of feature films to digital screens;
  • Deliver video ads to online and/or television outlets;
  • Send syndicated longform television content to licensees;
  • Send VOD content to cable system operators;
  • Transfer promos and other marketing content around the world;
  • Send source content to languaging houses for localization;
  • Deliver packaged assets from a media services provider to online platforms.

In each of these cases, the content creator/owner will typically have a Manager installation at their headquarters location and perhaps at other sites around the world. Agents will be deployed at major partners or international hubs, and deliveries can be tuned for various situations. In the case of close-to-air television content, for example, it is essential to give priority to certain files and verify receipt by a certain time. In other scenarios, it is best to schedule deliveries during off-hours while the corporate network is underutilized.

With Manager+Agents, administrators have the flexibility and granular control they need to implement whatever process best meets the needs of the business.

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